
MAY 14 - Seminar "Horizon Europe in Central Asia – Promotion of advanced scientific research and cooperation in the field of sustainable energy’

More than 120 researchers, scientists, representatives of research institutes, universities and other organizations working in the field of sustainable energy gathered for the regional seminar “Horizon of Europe in Central Asia: Promoting Advanced Scientific Research and Cooperation in the field of Sustainable Energy.”

The event was organized jointly by SDSN Kazakhstan in the field of sustainable development, Nazarbayev University, the Scientific Foundation of Kazakhstan, the European Union (EU)-funded project “Sustainable Energy Communication in Central Asia (SECCA)” and by Chevron.

Horizon Europe is a framework research and innovation program of the European Union (EU), which provides financing for projects in EU member States and third countries, including the republics of Central Asia. A total of 33 projects and 47 organizations in Central Asia have already benefited from participation in Horizon Europe and its predecessor Horizon 2020.

The purpose of the workshop was to raise awareness about the program and, in particular, about its block 5 “Climate, energy and mobility”, as well as about the opportunities it provides to the research community in the region. The seminar presented financing schemes, projects and initiatives that correspond to the priorities of stakeholders in Central Asia. National and international speakers talked about how Horizon Europe can help solve current climate change problems and the need to promote and develop sustainable energy.

Addressing the participants, Dr. Aliya Sembayeva, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Scientific Foundation JSC, said: ”International cooperation plays a key role in solving global problems such as climate change and ensuring sustainable energy, since these problems go beyond geographical boundaries."

Ms. Ilse Purina, SECCA Lead Expert, added: “Events like this help build a network of researchers and professionals to maximize Horizon Europe's impact in Central Asia, and provide them with a unique opportunity to take advantage of networking, collaboration, innovation and cross-border knowledge sharing. The EU SECCA project will continue to assist the countries of the region in creating preconditions and building capacity for more active participation in the Horizon Europe program.”

To access the seminar materials, please click here.